Hi everone, I have been suffering with Long COVID since february and have only just been diagnosed with it in late August. I had so many scand and so many blood tests until i saw a specialis at St Vincents hospital that did a COVID serology blood test and a number of other blood tests to work it all out. I have had so many symptoms such as, anxiety, depression, PTSD,cognitive issues, pericarditis, lung scaring, nerve pain, bone pain, muscle pain and massive problems with digestive issues. Sadly no meds can help me aside from some antihistamines i was prescribed from the long covid clinic which did help a little. I have made massive changes to my diet eating only fish, fruit and veg now and taking a number of supplemnts to help boost my immune system to try and fight this off before it causes long lasting damage to my organs. Long COVID is horrible and i would not wish it upon anyone! i was running 10k a day before i got this dreaded disease and now i struggle with everything and i just hope that i will eventually get better and return to somewhat of a normal life at some point.
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oh wow i started very similar to you, mine was lightheadedness on my runs with palpatations, rashes and gut problems and my GP kept saying anxiety and shingles and giving me shingles meds even when the swabs came back negative. GP's really do need to be more aware of the long covid symptoms and once all tests have been done to rule anything else out they have to look at long covid as diagnosis. I was also advised of a colonscopy and endoscopy but have not done it. I think GP's often jump to anxiety when they can't scientifically diagnose something which is a real cop out and made me feel like it was all in my head when all along i was so ill for all those months and have scars in my heart and lung to prove it. It took me 70-80 gp consults, 30 ed presentations , over 60 blood test and 13 scans to get here. Way too long to get to this point but now all we can do is hope and pray that we recover!